Fenntessa: Do you have a favourite work out song, or a jam that makes you feel on top of world?
O'Shea: Anything classic rock and I'm a happy camper.
Fenntessa: We all have to eat. But what are your fave foods when you're trying to stay in tip top shape? On the other hand, What is your favourite junk food?
O'Shea: When I'm trying to stay in shape I love a good smoothie. I love pumping up my smoothies with all the good stuff from maca to moringa. When it comes to junk I have three vices: dark chocolate, cheese, and salt and vinegar chips.
Fenntessa: In terms of fashion, we know you can rock Fenntessa bikinis. How would you describe your overall sense of style?
O'Shea: I like a mix between feminine and masculine. I love pairing a pair of tight high waisted booty hugging jeans with a men's button down or oversized tee.
Fenntessa: We know you are all ‘Super Babes’, but what about super powers? If you could have one super power what would it be?
O'Shea: This is definitely a tie between flying and breathing under water.
Fenntessa: The print this year is an imaginative composition of animals playing sports. Do you have a favourite animal?
O'Shea: Cats, definitely cats, anyone who knows me, knows I love cats
Fenntessa: Any words to live by or special quote?
O'Shea: Be yourself!
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